The Artist's Garden

The Artist's Garden
Susan Lackey is an avid gardener as well as an artist. Her garden is created with an artist’s eye. It’s full of color, texture, variety, and harmony, this same as it is in this painting. The following poem by the artist, poet, and gardener, Susan Lackey, was inspired by this artwork and her garden.
When I look at nature’s beauty, I know it is my duty
To put her colors and shapes, in the paintings I make.
All the greens and blues
And red-orange too,
Make my garden happy and my painting snappy.
30 inches x 20 inches
mixed media
Painting panel
The Remnants Collection
These paintings either the first ones or last ones of a variety of collections. Art Exhibitions tend to contain artwork from a single collection. When there are only a few paintings remaining in a collection, it’s difficult to show them with others. Sometimes a collection is started and after just a few paintings, the artist stops the series for various reasons. These also become difficult to show with others. Because these are some of the artist’s favorites, they are presented here in a patchwork collection of remnants.