The Edge of Red

The Edge of Red
This painting represents the dance of extremes we face daily in the push and pull of human activity; distraction/focus, exhaustion/renewal, destruction/rebuilding. Using bold warm and cool colors with soft and hard shapes in a harmonious manner ensures us that extremes can co-exist, in a beautiful place. There is a depth in the painting that lures you to connect with it on many different levels.
20 inches x 20 inches
Canvas with .75 inch sides
The Remnants Collection
These paintings either the first ones or last ones of a variety of collections. Art Exhibitions tend to contain artwork from a single collection. When there are only a few paintings remaining in a collection, it’s difficult to show them with others. Sometimes a collection is started and after just a few paintings, the artist stops the series for various reasons. These also become difficult to show with others. Because these are some of the artist’s favorites, they are presented here in a patchwork collection of remnants.