Creating Abstracts You Will Love in Concord, NC

Creating Abstracts You Will Love in Concord, NC
Date: April 8, 2023, Time: 9:30 AM to 4:30 PM, includes a short lunch break. Bring your lunch and drink; we have a refrigerator
Class Cost: $90 members, $100 for non-members (plus $10 for extra supplies, payable in class)
Supply List: will be provided when you register, click here to Contact instructor if you have questions or want an pre-register copy of the supply list.
Registration Deadline: last day to register is April 5, 2023
Skill Level: Open to all levels of experience
Class: Ages 18 and up. Minimum class size: 5, maximum class size 15
Media: acrylic paint
Location: ClearWater Arts Center & Studios – 223 Crowell Drive, NW, Concord, NC 28025. Enter from Kerr Street side of building, double doors lower level, by parking lot.
If you want to paint abstractly but not sure how to start or if you tried it and your results are hit and miss, you will love this class. It’s designed to show you how to make abstract art you feel happy about. Susan will lead you through a stress free, streamlined process that is lots of fun. You will start by making a messy, textured underpainting and then learn how to tame the chaos by using 4 basic design fundamentals. You will learn to identify and keep what you like and to work with the rest to create a pleasing visual impact overall. In this class, you will:
start thinking of shapes, not things
find a pleasing color balance
use value to capture attention
examine several ways to create a center of interest
This is a class that may be taken multiple times. Each time, you will learn new techniques depending on how you apply those basic design fundamentals as you work. These sample paintings, top right, were created with the abstract painting process you will learn. If desired, as you finish you work, you may end up with an abstracted “thing” like the painting at the bottom or you not like the other two paintings. That is you choice.
Abstractify Series
This class is part of a series of workshops about painting in an expressive and abstract manner using acrylic paint. Each workshop is standalone and not dependent on another. The skill levels and durations for each workshop may vary.
Susan has been painting for many years with a focus on acrylic and mixed media painting. She has won numerous awards in local, state and national juried exhibitions, and is a signature member of the Watercolor Society of NC. She is frequently called on to speak about her artwork. Susan currently teaches group workshops and private lessons.